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Specially designed to absorb oil, grease, petrol, diesel oil, paints and chemicals on the floor of working areas

It is a user-friendly product (to be used like saw dust), with unique features. For example, OKO-PUR can even absorb oil in water, forming large agglomerations which can then be easily disposed of. In this way OKO-PUR reduces the oil content in the polluted water by more than 95%. OKO PUR is available both as a powder and as granules. It boasts enormous absorbency: a 6.8 kg bag can absorb 30-80 kg of liquid. OKO-PUR is the only universal absorbent which has a positive effect on the environment: producing 1 kg of OKO-PUR prevents the emission of 250 kg of CO2 into the atmosphere, as the polyurethane it is composed of comes from the insulation of discarded refrigerators. For this reason, OKO-PUR saves both raw materials and the energy required to produce them, contributing to protecting the environment.


  • Via Luigi Bay, 29121 Piacenza PC, Italy
