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#Industry News

Airfal receives the Aragón Enterprise and Future Award regarding Social Responsibility

Airfal receives the Aragón Enterprise and Future Award regarding Social Responsibility

On April 6th, Airfal Interrnational received the Responsible Company award, for which the company was finalist along with two other companies, Eboca Vending and DKV.

For Airfal, this award is an important encouragement, and the company will keep on working for the labor insertion of people with intellectual disabilities.

Being a responsible company has always been a strategic objective for Airfal, and over the years this bet has been consolidated. At present, there are already 9 foundations that have an occupational workshop in which they mount Airfal luminaires, in addition to the employment enclave and the occupational workshop that is located in our facilities.

At Airfal, we are convinced that the work, always adapted to the possibilities of an individual, is one of the best therapies that intellectually disabled people can receive, and our purpose is to offer it from the foundations themselves. Seing people working is enough to understand that for them work is a sign of normalization and integration. During all these years, many of the people who have gone through the occupational workshops, have joined the world of work and two of them now belong to own team. And that is also a great pride for us.

We believe that CSR (corporate social responsibility) is in the DNA of Airfal and the whole team is very proud to work with this philosophy. We are very happy to see that this do not only benefits us, but leaves a very positive mark on society.

From Airfal we also wish to emphasize that this award favors the dissemination of the CSR that takes place in our community and encourages other entrepreneurs to focus on Social Responsibility.

Airfal receives the Aragón Enterprise and Future Award regarding Social Responsibility


  • Calle Río Ésera, 4, 50830 Villanueva de Gállego, Zaragoza, Spain
  • Airfal International S.L.