#Industry News
Airfal designs a special luminaire for work areas and work places
Airfal designs a special luminaire for work areas and work places
Airfal International has recently launched a new luminaire for work areas. This light fixture, the MODULAR luminaire, combines a classic design with cutting-edge technology, achieving a high visual comfort. The Modular luminaire is ideal for offices, shopping centers and supermarkets.
Airfal International manufactures a new model specially designed for work environments, as it stands out for its high visual comfort. The Modular luminaire, is equipped with the last generation LED modules, with which it is possible to combine a classic design with cutting-edge lighting technology.
This luminaire is highly flexible with amazing possibilities for assembly, since it can be installed in a continuous line and thus achieve to illuminate a large illuminated surface, such as aisles of supermarkets or large shopping centers. The Modular light fixture is also perfect for offices, since its LED modules have a Unified Glare Index that is lower than 19 (UGR <19) and a Chromatic Index which is higher than 80 (CR> 80). These are indicators that give this model a high visual comfort and a high energy efficiency.
The modular luminaire has been developed by the technical department of Airfal, which, together with its commercial department, detected a broad demand for a product aesthetically suitable for both residential and commercial areas, in aluminium, with high visual comfort and low consumption and maintenance . With this premise was born the MODULAR model, which features a pre-lacquered aluminium body and a opal polycarbonate diffuser. Likewise, it has ABS caps or, in case of needing a continuous line option, a connection piece.
According to Carlos Jiménez, responsible for the R + D + i department at Airfal, the Modular luminaire of Airfal offers great advantages to electrical installers and designers, since these are “ED modules of last generation, their useful life exceeds 50,000 hours, that reduces maintenance and replacement costs. In addition, this model is pre-wired from the factory, if sold as a separate luminaire, and with quick connectors in the case of models that are mounted on structures, which makes it unnecessary for the installer to open them. It reduces, therefore, the cost of its installation, in money and time ”
From the commercial department, Raúl Alegre, responsible for Projects and Large Accounts of Airfal, emphasizes that “thanks to its aluminium body, the Modular has reduced its cost and subsequent sale price to the public, attributes that make it very attractive for large projects in which in many occasions up to the last cent is measured. ”
This model has multiple possibilities, such as the integration of an emergency kit or its assembly in the form of a T or cross, as well as the regulation option. In addition, if it is necessary to suspend this model, Airfal has developed the Smart luminaire, a product very similar in terms of characteristics and attributes, but born to hang in large facilities with a lot of height.
Airfal bets on the industrial sector and retail
The new 2018 catalog shows Airfal focus on the industrial sector, the ATEX lighting as well as large areas and work spaces.
This has been achieved with the work of a highly qualified team and a continuous research and development process. In this new 2018 catalog there are 6 new ATEX luminaires, both for Zone 1-21 and Zone 2-22. Likewise, the technical range grows with the LOGIX model, an LED lane with five available optics, capable of offering the maximum lighting quality from 14 meters high, specially manufactured for the retail sector. Tubular watertight luminaires have also expanded their offer, with models such as the FARM LED, luminaire for farms, green houses and meat industries.
Solidarity lighting
All the luminaires that leave the premises of Airfal have an important social component, since 2% of the profits of each luminaire sold goes destined to the Residence Manuel de Artero of Atades Huesca, a non-profit association, declared of public interest that aims to improve the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities.
In addition, around 80% of the Airfal luminaires are assembled in occupational workshops or work enclaves of people with intellectual disabilities.