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#Industry News

Covid-19: Algodue’s business continuity

Algodue Elettronica is operating 100%

In relation to the Ordinance of the Ministry of Health issued on March 8 by the Region for CORONAVIRUS (covid-19) we want to specify that Algodue Elettronica is operating 100%.

Thanks to an efficient supply chain, supplies, deliveries and pick-ups at our logistics center are guaranteed.

All departments are operational: technical, administrative, production, sales and support.

To combat the spread of the virus and protect the health of employees and partners Algodue Elettronica adopted a series of preventive measures weeks ago:

- Non-essential trips are cancelled / postponed until further notice.

- Meetings with people from outside the company will be held by videoconference.

- Training courses have been postponed until further notice.

- Unauthorized outside persons are temporarily suspended from entering the company.

- All the preventive measures indicated by the Ministry of Health have been applied.

We encourage all of our partners to work together to overcome this uncomfortable situation.


  • Via Piero Gobetti, 28014 Maggiora NO, Italy
  • Marketing