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#Product Trends

Documentation of the future: Further development of electric torque multipliers

With the new electric torque multiplier series, alkitronic® is taking another step in the direction of forward-looking technology.

In the age of Industry 4.0, automated documentation and traceability of metrics is required by more and more end users, quality managers, and people in charge. A quick and easy transfer of correctly performed bolting connections - as allowed by the electric screwdriver from alkitronic® - helps to meet these requirements. The torque multiplier with the documentation function is especially used when tightening requires high precision, reproducibility and the subsequent control of the tightening parameters.

"With the further development of the EFCip Series software package, our torque multipliers are ready for the future. We simplify the documentation process of our customers. This saves time and money," says Silke Aigner, Sales & Technical Support Manager at alki Technik GmbH.

The subject of documentation is not new at alkitronic®, as documentation systems have been developing for many years. The new alkitronic® EFCip incorporates this technology in the electronics of the torque multiplier. In addition, with the specially developed alkitronic® app, you have all the data at a glance. The system stores the history of up to 500 bolting applications, shows mode settings as well as set and actual values and an assessment of whether the application was successful. This not only guarantees exact traceability, but also safety for each screwing. “Safety plays a big role here. By means of the software package the user can check that all screws have been bolted with the correct torque or torque plus rotation angle. You no longer have to hope that all screws are properly tightened, but now have the evidence of when and how they were tightened," says Silke Aigner. There are often many time-consuming regulations surrounding manual documentation of bolting.

With this software package, customers can at last be on the safe side: A concluding document of the bolting serves as protection and proof of the bolting power.


  • Unterlettenweg, 85051 Ingolstadt, Germany
  • alki TECHNIK GmbH