#Industry News
Alma PRO wins the CSR Trophy!
Alma Pro wins the CSR Trophy in the SOCIAL category 'Governance' at the Dynamic R event.
On November 14th, ALMA PRO was honored at the annual Dynamic R event, held in the Drôme region. This significant event aims to provide entrepreneurs and their teams with all the necessary tools to reconcile economic development with societal and environmental challenges.
The day started with seven thematic workshops, organized by the CPME of Drôme, offering a practical approach to implementing CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) in companies. Participants praised the practical aspect of the workshops, the enriching exchange of experiences, and the inspiring collective dynamic that emerged.
The conference that followed, managed by Réseau Entreprendre Drôme Ardèche, was led by Jérôme Cohen, co-creator and spokesperson of the Grand Challenge of Companies for the Planet (ENGAGE). This participatory initiative aims to accelerate the economic world's ecological transition. Jérôme Cohen highlighted the definite impact of companies' economic activity on biodiversity, placing the company at the heart of the transition. He argued that the question is no longer why act, but rather how to collectively mobilize to find solutions. He advocated for the invention of a restorative economy, questioning the operations, business model, governance, missions, and value chain of companies.
The day concluded with a gala evening, during which the CSR Trophies were awarded. ALMA PRO was recognized in the "Governance" category of the SOCIAL aspect, highlighting its exceptional commitment in this field.
The CSR Trophies, organized by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Drôme and Ardèche, also rewarded other deserving companies in different categories, ranging from mobility to responsible purchasing, waste management, and water management. Among the winners are companies such as L'Herbier du Diois, Terre Adélice, Cave de Tain, JETHICA, Domaine de Briange, and SOROERA, which received a special "Heart Award."
This major event was made possible thanks to the valuable support of several partners, including engaging companies, the Club de la Drôme, Banque Populaire Auvergne Rhône Alpes, CIC, Crédit Agricole Sud Rhône Alpes, and L'ECHO Drôme Ardèche.
By winning the CSR Trophy in the "Governance" category, ALMA PRO demonstrates its exemplary commitment to corporate social responsibility, thereby contributing to shaping a future in which economic development harmonizes perfectly with societal and environmental imperatives.
This acknowledgment highlights the company's reason for being: "Innovating to create local and sustainable value."