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The customization of our hydraulic hose protections

Hydraulic protection and brand image

Are you a manufacturer or reseller of hydraulic supplies looking to effectively protect your hydraulic hoses while enhancing your visibility ? Alpha Automatismes offers you the solution with customizable two-color spirals.


1. Custom Marking : Integrate your logo, phone number, serial number, or any other essential information directly onto the sleeve for immediate identification.

2. Varied Color Palette : Tailor your sleeves to match your branding guidelines or a specific color code.

3. High-Quality Materials : Our hydraulic hose protections, available in spiral or textile designs, are made to provide optimal and durable protection. The spiral sleeves are crafted from high-density polyethylene, ensuring increased resistance, especially at low temperatures, and effective protection, thus ensuring the longevity of your hydraulic hoses.

A durable marking that will convey your identity around the world.

The customization of our hydraulic hose protections


  • 7 Rue des Bouchers, 14400 Bayeux, France

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