#Product Trends
Portable Sample System (PSS) Designed for SADPmini2 Dewpoint Meters
Fully portable solution to quickly measure moisture (dewpoint) in gases and air.
Easily the best solution for spot checking moisture/dewpoint samples in gases and dry compressed air.
By simply connecting the SADPmini2 Dewpoint Meter to the Portable Sample System via the two connecting elbows, using the quick connect option sample hose, connect to the sample point, regulate the pressure accordingly (from up to 200 barg), purge the sample through the PSS then turn on the SADPmini2 dewpoint meter, after the display has settled, take a reading, the process takes literally minutes to complete. Repeat the procedure on multiple sample points where necessary, saving time, resources and costs all round.
If the SADPmini2/-Ex is Bluetooth enabled, printouts of the readings can be achieved easily with the hand-held BTP-01 Bluetooth Printer.
The PSS - Portable Sample System has no stored energy components or any possible source of ignition therefore can safely be used with the SADPmini2-Ex in hazardous environments.
Key Features
• Simple instrument docking arrangement
• Swagelok quick connect option
• Integrated sample flow indicator
• Supplied with needle valve or pressure regulator to regulate sample inlet pressure
• Rugged stainless steel powder coated chassis and all wetted parts in 316 stainless steel
• Optional particle filter with easy access for cartridge replacement
• Optional Integrated Pressure Gauge option
• Optional 2m stainless steel braided sample hose
• Light weight for easy transportation
• Padded anti-static carrying case included for ease of portability and adjustable
shoulder strap
See website for more information.