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#Product Trends

Laser Power Control Units

Altechna presents technical overview of extra cavity laser power control methods realizable with free space optics. It is intended to help industrial laser processing engineers to make the right choice of attenuator design for their laser processing systems.

Particular methods come with distinctive advantages as well as drawbacks. For instance, neutral density reflective type filters with optical density gradient over the cross-section grants a rather even attenuation over wide spectral range from UV to NIR, however they are susceptible to laser damage.

This white paper covers several options of output power control through manipulation of the polarization along with its’ superiorities and shortcomings of individual components, e.g. waveplate vs. EO modulator, and peculiar features of various polarizers used in setups of the kind. Unpolarized laser power control solution is also introduced with schematic layout and attenuation properties.

Laser capability to accomplish extremely precise tasks by applying high power impact within tiny spatial domain, e.g. diffraction limited spot, has lead laser power control to become an important variable that helps to optimise yield and secure successful completion of the task. For more details on laser power control please download full technical article.


  • Altechna