#Product Trends
Optical Emission Spectroscopy: PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000
Building on technological advances, a smart bench-top design, user-oriented software routines and a well-proven spectrometer design, PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 is taking the lead. It fulfills all analysis requirements from routine to highly specialized applications due to its simplicity, applicability, and accuracy.
PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 makes previously hidden analyte lines detectable. Its spectral resolution exceeds that of conventional ICP OES instruments by up to a factor of four. Best optical precision and highest matrix tolerance are constantly achieved. Its innovative plasma observation will extend both your linear working range and detection limits. By reducing sample pretreatment to a minimum, it offers you maximum reproducibility.
Your advantages at a glance
High-Resolution Optics: Unique resolving power for unconditional confidence in results
V Shuttle Torch: Intelligent torch design for comfortable high-end functionality
Dual View PLUS: Flexible plasma views for most comprehensive applicability
High-Frequency Generator: Absolute plasma power for compelling long-term performance
PlasmaQuant® PQ 9000 combines high-resolution spectrometer technology with a compact design