#Industry News
1,2,3... FAT Approved for our new AMRs, OMNI1000x2!
New AMRs, OMNI1000x2
Our OMNI1000x2 offers flexibility in transporting pallets from palletizers to the central end-of-line wrapping machine.
Thanks to its omnidirectional movement and conveyor transfer, it can move freely and smoothly throughout the production plant. Its two-level design provides the capacity to transport empty pallets on the lower level and full pallets on the upper one, ensuring maximum efficiency for all flows. The top presser assists in securing tall and unstable loads during transport. With this project, we have not only automated the pallet flow but also the dunnage flow of an entire blow molding plant.
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our AMR, please don't hesitate to contact us through our website or social media. Our team will be delighted to share our experience with you!