#Industry News
Main standards for lightning protection
Aplicaciones Tecnológicas products meet the most important lightning protection standards.
Several standards establish the requirements for lightning and surge protection systems. Below, we summarize the most relevant:
· Lightning protection systems
There are several national standards that give the requirements for lightning protection using Early Streamer Emission (ESE) air terminals:
UNE 21186 (Spain); NF C 17-102 (France); NP 4426 (Portugal); TS 13709 (Turkey): protection against lightning using early streamer emission (ESE) air terminals.
NC 1185 (Cuba); NA 33 (Angola): Integral safety against lightning. They include external, internal and preventive protection.
IEC 62305: International standard that establishes if it is necessary and how to install a LPS. It includes a risk assessment and requirements for the coordination of surge protective devices.
European countries have adopted this standard, but other national standards exist, which also give the requirements for installing a lightning protection system with Franklin rods and meshed conductors, i.e NFPA 780 (US); J-549-ANCE-2005 (Mexico), NBR5419 (Brazil), ...
IEC 62561: International standard that focuses on the requirements for lightning protection system components (LPSC).
In many countries there are laws or codes in specific areas that include also requirements about lightning protection. For example, in Spain the following documents apply:
Construction Code: mandatory standard in Spain. It contains a risk calculation that establishes the need of a lightning protection system (LPS) and some basic installation rules.
Labour Risk Prevention Law: establishes the need of lightning protection in work places according to UNE standards. Moreover, NTP1084 deals specifically with the prevention of labour risks caused by lightning.
· Protection against overvoltages
IEC 61643: International standard about the requirements (including tests) and installation of protectors against transient overvoltages.
EN 50550: European standard that establishes the requirements for quality, safety and electromagnetic compatibility of protectors against temporary overvoltages.
Other relevant national standards:
UL1449 (USA): standard for Surge Protective Devices
National Electric Code and Guide – ITC BT23 (Spain): mandatory application in Spain, it establishes cases where surges protective devices must be installed.
· Preventive protection
IEC 62793: International standard that establishes if is necessary to install storm detectors, as well as the main characteristics of these devices.
· Exothermic welding
IEC 62561-1 (International); UL467 (USA): standards that give the requirements for conductor's connection and also apply to exothermic welding.