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#Product Trends

Asahi Keiki US-639 Thermostat for Automotive Industry

Small compact size bimetallic thermostat "US-639" for Automotive industry.

The Asahi Keiki US-639 thermostat stands out as a high-performance, dependable solution tailored for the automotive industry. Manufactured from top-tier materials, this thermostat is engineered to endure the rigorous conditions often encountered in automotive settings.

With its broad spectrum of operating temperatures, the US-639 thermostat proves versatile, catering to an array of applications. Its exceptional precision ensures that the temperature within electric vehicles or automotive systems remains meticulously regulated.

Noteworthy for its user-friendly installation process, the US-639 thermostat presents an economical option for automotive manufacturers seeking efficiency.

Applications of the Asahi Keiki US-639 Thermostat:

Battery Thermal Management (Control/Breaker)

Thermal Management System (TMS)

Seat and Steering Wheel Heater

Armrest/Footrest Heater

Side mirror Heater

HVAC Systems

Discover the reliability and performance of the Asahi Keiki US-639 thermostat, your trusted solution for automotive heating control.

Asahi Keiki US-639 Thermostat for Automotive Industry


  • 2 Chome Shibaura, Minato City, Tokyo 108-0023, Japan
  • Asahi Keiki Co., Ltd.