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#Product Trends

PC7: One stack light, two appearances

With the PC7LD diffusor films, you can choose between two appearances for your PC7 signal tower: clear or diffuse light distribution.

One diffusor film for two beam patterns

The PC7LD diffusor film can be used for every in-line light module of the PC7. Placing the film into the module creates a diffuse radiation pattern and a strong color contrast. This allows the appearance of the signal tower to be adjusted very quickly and easily:

Light modules without a diffusor film emit a clear beam pattern and convince with highest performance in terms of luminosity.

Light modules with diffusor film emit a stronger color contrast and a more homogeneous radiation pattern.

PC7 diffusor films


  • Perfektastraße 102, 1230 Wien, Austria
  • Auer Signal GmbH