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#Product Trends

New Release: BACHLAB Pilot 100L

Our laboratory mixer with increased capacity

New release of the augmented version of our Bachlab laboratory mixer: the BACHLAB Pilot, with a capacity of up to 100L.

Our Bachlab is designed for laboratory research and development of emulsions, dispersions or homogenization of high viscosities, allowing a direct scale up to its industrial equivalent, the Bachmix series.

The laboratory Bachlab mixer controls all the process parameters, such as the agitation speed, temperature and pressure. The slow-slow coaxial agitator combined with the new rotor stator emulsifier, allows very fine and stable emulsions in processes with high viscosity products and a complex rheology.

Applications for cosmetic, pharmaceutical, chemical and food industries.

And the new version is the same, but bigger. More production capacity at the same time.

Bachiller Bachlab Pilot - Laboratory Mixer


  • Carrer Can Guasch, 3, 08150 Parets del Vallès, Barcelona, Spain
  • BACHILLER Barcelona