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#Product Trends

Engraving on steel for marking by striking or by rolling

The use of steel engraved pieces are various.

Here are some examples:

- stamping hand stamps (using with a hammer),

- marking blocks to insert in a tool,

- marking blocks to print on cardboard or other material,

- stamping wheels by rolling,

- impression dies.


Currents steels : 90MCV8 (HRC 59-61). Z200C13 (HRC 60-62). 115CV4 (HRC 58-60). 40NCD16 (HRC 52-54). Z85WDCV (HRC 64-66). Z125KWDV (HRC 66-68).

Nickel-plated finishing.

Machining according to customer's drawings.

Relief or sunk engraving, sharp or flat engraving, left or right, concave or convex.


  • BVG
