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#Product Trends

State of the art lightning detection technology

This robust sensor is designed to meet US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) performance requirements and uses a novel technique exploiting the thunderstorm''s electrostatic field.

Major advantages of Biral''s pioneering technique are the avoidance of false alarms from radio interference and the ability to detect both cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud lightning, resulting in higher lightning detection efficiency. The BTD-300 provides accurate range estimation up to 50 miles (83 km) away and can detect between 50-250 % more flashes than established lightning location networks.

“Major advantages of Biral''s pioneering technique are the avoidance of false alarms from radio interference and the ability to detect both cloud-to-ground and cloud-to-cloud lightning, resulting in higher lightning detection efficiency.”

An additional direction finding module is available with the BTD-300 providing data on thunderstorm direction as well as distance. Unlike conventional detectors using radio signals, Biral''s product has the ability to warn of potential overhead thunderstorm development several minutes before the first lightning flash has occurred. This is achieved by analysing the electric charge on individual raindrops as they strike the antennas, and monitoring the strength and variability of the electric field at the site. If either shows characteristics of a developing storm, an advanced warning is issued - alerting the user that the first lightning of the day could be right on their site!


  • Biral