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#White Papers

Smart Energy Monitor v.s. Smart Meter: What are the Differences

Smart energy monitors and smart meters may have several overlapping functions, but each has unique features that make them suitable for specific use cases. Check out the differences and find out which one is right for you.

As the cost of energy continues to rise, many homeowners and business owners are looking for ways to manage their energy usage and become more energy-efficient to save money. You may well have noticed that one option that has gained popularity in recent years is installing a smart energy monitor. At the same time, have you often received emails from your energy retailer, offering to upgrade your meter to a smart one for free, promising it will help you save on your energy bill? You might be wondering if there's such a thing as a free lunch, especially when it comes to energy management (The answer is No! Read on to find out why.).


  • Shanghai, China
  • Shanghai Bituo Electric Co., Ltd.