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#White Papers

Countertops: from history to new trends

Breton inaugurates a series of white papers, i.e. guidebooks designed to promote and highlight the characteristics of a given topic.

A complete view between evolution and trends

This white paper is about the history of countertops, starting from kitchen evolution, material trends and digital design up to the possible solutions offered by Breton.

Through the analysis of trends and materials for kitchen tops and technological scenarios, Breton makes available its 60 years of know-how on the subject in order to understand how its solutions represent a competitive advantage for the modern fabshop.

The contents of this white paper have been created by a team of Breton experts, led by Business Developer Michele Stangherlin, who, by analysing sales trends, aims to provide a comprehensive view of the solutions on the current market.


Evolution of the kitchen

The kitchen has undergone a series of changes through the years. From a room used purely for preparing meals, it has gradually morphed into a daily living space and a warm and fragrant gathering place in the centre of home life.


Materials and trends

The search for ecosustainability and environmental compatibility factors, together with the need for hygiene and safety, has led ever more users to shift their attention from laminate tops (based on resin and plastic) to stone materials.


The kitchen worktop

The worktop is a fundamental element of the kitchen. Kitchen worktops are used daily, from preparation of a simple breakfast to the most elaborate meals on special occasions. Also known as “kitchen top” or simply “top”. The term denotes the upper element of the modern kitchen that forms the ideal work surface.


Breton Vein Matching

The “Breton Vein Matching” application programs the cut, pairing different slabs and matching the veins with a simple system.


Technological scenarios

Exploring and creating new technologies is the expression of Breton's DNA and pioneering spirit. The company concentrates on a constant proposal of new technological solutions and accessories that simplify the work of marble fabricators and make it more efficient.


Breton Fabshop

The products of the Breton Fabshop range are designed to meet the operating requirements of all fabshops, from the smallest concerns to the most articulated, with the aim of raising productivity and the quality of the parts produced.

Go to the website to download the White Paper


  • Via Giuseppe Garibaldi, 27, 31030 Castello di Godego TV, Italy
  • Breton SpA | Advanced technologies and materials