#Product Trends
Brevini for Marine
a full range on and off shore
In port and marine installations all over the world, Brevini planetary drives and helical gearboxes are operating
around the clock, loading enormous conveyors onto ships.
The proven reliability and strength of the planetary gearboxes in this operation is matched by the Brevini
slewing gear drives, which rotate the fully loaded cranes, smoothly and accurately, in all temperatures and
climatic conditions.
Brevini is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of slewing drives for azimuth thrusters. The propeller
rotates 360 degrees around the vertical axis so that the thruster can perform both the propulsion and steering
duties for a vessel, or positioning for a semi-submersible rig or drillship. High quality rescue systems
and provisioning are vital on board of ships.
Brevini provides gearboxes for life saving equipment, incorporated in the lifting installations of lifeboats:
thanks to the Brevini solutions, they can be dropped into the water. Globally, a lot of Brevini components
and systems can be found in hydraulic marine cranes and offshore cranes.