#Industry News
Bruker Elemental´s Metals Analyzer Q4 TASMAN for incoming inspection
As part of the incoming goods inspection, one is often confronted with the element analysis with particular challenges.
Particularly with small components and semi-finished products, it is often difficult to perform accurate elemental analysis. Tubes, wires and fittings are often difficult in handling on the spark spectrometer when analyzing.
Therefore Bruker Elemental offers the Q4 Tasman, with its optimized argon flow, various adapters and tools which makes the daily incoming goods inspection easier.
Q4 TASMAN is an advanced CCD based optical emission spectrometer for the metal analysis.
It provides very latest, state-of-the-art technologies. Q4 TASMAN OES system is fully suitable not only for dedicated applications, but also for many general purpose applications. The CCD based instrument lets you achieve your goals faster, more reliably, and more cost-effectively than ever before with this class of instrument.
Q4 TASMAN offers dedicated solutions for your analytical tasks. Analytical Solution Packages (ASP) are available per matrix and include elements, calibration, alloys and more. In no time at all, you receive reliable, complete analytical results of your metal.
The newly developed readout scans CCD´s 30 times faster than previously and lead to shorter measurement times. The faster time-to-result improves your efficiency and increases your profitability.