#Product Trends
NEW: MALDI-TOF mass spectrometer by Bruker Daltonics
MALDI PharmaPulse is a complete mass spectrometry based screening solution designed to accelerate all phases of drug discovery. The system offers the advantage of true label-free detection of native substrates and products in functional biochemical assays. An ultrafast MALDI-TOF system delivers analytical results in less than 1 second per sample making it uniquely suited for High Throughput Screening (HTS) applications.
This innovative solution delivers significant cost-per-sample reductions are due to the extremely low solvent and reagent usage, reduced waste generation including hazardous solvents requiring difficult disposal, and the elimination of any sample pre-treatment steps such as SPE or HPLC. Assay development with the MALDI PharmaPulse is simple and rapid while sample and data processing is fully automated. Combined with the robust instrument performance, these factors significantly increase lab efficiency.
MALDI PharmaPulse benefits includes:
True label-free detection of native substrates and products in functional biochemical assays
The fastest MS based screening system with cycle times between 0.5 and 1 second per sample
Dramatically reduced solvent use resulting in significantly lower costs per analysis
Simple and rapid assay development with no SPE or HPLC sample pre-treatment required
Significantly reduced sample volume, typically 1μL, enables single well kinetic readouts
Robust automation and workflows enables > 50,000 samples screened per day