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#Product Trends

Tank and silo sampler SiloDrill

Representative sampling of bulk solids from tanks and silos

The SiloDrill is used to check the quality and homogeneity of bulk materials, to detect contamination or spoilage in stored materials at an early stage, to take samples for further analysis required to meet legal requirements or industry standards, e.g. in agriculture to sample grain, seed, fertiliser or animal feed, in the food industry to sample powdered and granulated foods from storage silos, in the chemical industry to take chemical samples from industrial silos.

The SiloDrill takes an all-layer sample through multiple layers of bulk material so that the quality, composition or other relevant properties of the entire stored material can be analysed. The SiloDrill fits through openings from 90mm diameter, making it very versatile. A special mechanism makes it easy to open and close the sampling chamber by turning the robust T-handle. The spring-loaded inner tube minimises the risk of jamming coarse grains. The drilling paddles and scraping edge also allow sampling of caked and non-flowing bulk materials.

• SiloDrill made of stainless steel AISI 304: excellent chemical resistance, resistant to a wide range of chemicals and cleaning agents

• SiloDrill made of aluminium for use in less aggressive environments: robust, easier handling and transport, attractive price

Tank and silo sampler SiloDrill (Bürkle GmbH)


  • Rheinauenstraße, 79415 Bad Bellingen, Germany
  • Bürkle GmbH