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#Product Trends

Burckhardt Compression to Deliver One Oxygen Compressor Unit for SIDOR S.A. Steel Mill Complex

Estudios Planificación y Gestión Técnica S.L. (ESPLAGET S.L.) selected Burckhardt Compression to deliver one skid mounted Laby® Compressor for a capacity expansion in the Orinoco Steel Mill “Alfredo Maneiro” (Sidor S.A.). The steel mill produces direct reduced iron (DRI) and liquid steel as main components of the industrial value chain. Sidor S.A., in their efforts to achieve continuous improvement in its processes, prepares to expand capacity and improve availability in the supply of oxygen gas to steel processes that require it.

The new compressor for high pressure gaseous oxygen adds capacity of 3''800 Nm3/h (2''400 scfm) with a delivery pressure of 40 barg (580 psig) to the existing transmission pipeline in the PSA IV (Air Separation Plant 4) in Puerto Ordaz (Venezuela). The Laby® Compressor has a unique ultra-low maintenance piston sealing design on piston and piston rod gland that allows absolute oil-free and contact-free compression. The gastight design of the compressor reduces gas emission and losses to the environment to zero.

The customer who already operates four Laby® Compressors chose Burckhardt Compression because of its good reputation for handling oxygen applications in a reliable and safe manner. The delivery of the complete package is scheduled to take place in mid-2016. Orinoco Steel mill "Alfredo Maneiro" (Sidor S.A.) is an integrated steel mill complex located in the industrial zone of Matanzas, Bolivar State, southeastern region of Venezuela, on the right bank of the Orinoco River.

Laby® Compressors are used in the gas transport and storage, chemical and petrochemical and industrial gas sectors. Designed to compress challenging gases such as bone-dry, contaminated, abrasive and other gases, Laby® Compressors operate up to a discharge pressure of 300 bara (4''350 psia), flow up to 11''000 Nm3/h (6''900 scfm) and shaft power up to 2''100 kW (2''800 hp). Laby® Compressors are extremely reliable machines with unexcelled availability, combining high performance with a unique cooling system.


  • Burckhardt Compression AG
