happy birthday BY Carpel
50th anniversary
Success is a voyage not a destination
By Carpel: fifty years in the hoisting equipment business
Fast delivery, guaranteed quality with the Made in Italy label, knowhow with
roots going back to 1969: these are the characteristics of By Carpel, a company which this year celebrates its fifty years in the hoisting equip- ment business.
It was 1969, in Lombardia, in the hard-working province of Lecco, the year in which the company to- ok its first steps founded by Vitto- rio Bonacina, a self-made man, who over the years created a company which was dynamic and flexible, whose destination was…the future. Movement is the core business of this company, maker of high quali- ty accessories for overhead cranes, cranes and hoisting equipment led, in addition to the founder, by hisdaughter, Ilaria Bonacina. “Up un- til 2017 my mother, Maria Pia, also contributed to the evolution of By Carpel, working together wi- th my father. In all these years, the company has grown thanks to the great spirit of sacrifice and the so- lid values of my parents.” Principles which were passed on to the entire team, of which the owners are very proud. A flexible team, participating in business activities, working hard to put the client at the middle of the entire company operation, in Italy and abroad. “Currently we export our products in over 80 countries around the world: foreign turnover has actually gone from 5% to 20%, but Italy continues to play an impor- tant role. Some of our clients manu- facturing overhead cranes have been with us from the beginning: we have created a great relationship of trust also thanks to the guarantees of the just in time deliveries and the personalisation of our service based on client needs.” Indeed, By Carpel is able to deliver its products within two days after receiving an order, thanks to the large and well sup- plied warehouse, managed with the most advanced technology. Guaran- teed by European community pro- visions and laws, by Iso 9001 certi- fication, by the Atex declaration of conformity and recent EAC certi- fication for the Russian market, By Carpel products have no competi- tion in terms of quality-price ratio. And the company is ready to face the future through continuity and innovation.