#Product Trends
BINCEN Electronic Truck Scale with Ramps
Electronic Truck Scale with Ramps BINCEN
1. We company promise users to guarantee in three aspects, and is responsible for the agents consignment, installation, commissioning and training personnel, long-term supply fittings.
2. To protect accurate measurement and prolong service life from the rain and be beneficial to the operation, users should build scale room. Instrument and printer should be placed in the room of ventilation and dry for special use and keep. Usually, keep clean and in maintain.use a little wet soft cloth to wipe the keyboard and the shell, but can't use any industrial solvent!
3.This scale has the edge, and may not be around or other object contact friction, should have 5 ~ 10 mm clearance.
4. Heavy vehicles, such as when the measurement shall not exceed the maximum weighed; Vehicles shall be uniform, smoothly up to the scale, and shall not make a scale body take bigger impact, vehicle speed scale < 5 km/hour.
5. Not weighing, not on the scale in placing objects, should be cut off power supply. A long time without use of 1 ~ 3 months, which should be electrified about 30 minutes.
6. To ensure the long-term accurate use, should be regular inspection, maintenance, the maintenance cycle verification do as per the relevant standard of the state.Sensitivity, error pass over rules, which should be promptly repair.
7. Scale stage and basic parts should often clean, can not have the water and litter .
8. On this scale is prohibited in electricity and lap, even welding,fear lest damage sensor and instrument, electrical equipment.