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#Industry News

Application Cases | Application of EPR in Photocatalytic Material Research

Application of EPR in Photocatalytic Material Research

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) technology is currently the only method that can directly, in-situ, and non-destructively detect unpaired electrons. EPR technology can directly detect vacancies (oxygen vacancies, nitrogen vacancies, sulfur vacancies, etc.) and doped electrons in photocatalytic materials. The valence state of heterotransition metals. In addition, EPR technology can also detect free radicals such as e-, h+, •OH, O2•-, 1O2, SO3•- generated on the surface of the photocatalyst.

Application of EPR in Photocatalytic Material Research


  • Hefei, Anhui, China
  • CIQTEK Co., Ltd.

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