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#Product Trends

KRD70-10TA Hydraulic Vibration Shaker

The hydraulic vibration shaker is suitable for vibration tests of various products in aviation, shipbuilding, automobile, earthquake, and other industries.

It can meet the requirements of various vibration test methods such as response inspection, sine dwell, sine sweep frequency, and random tests. Electro-hydraulic vibration shaker has the advantages of fast response speed, large displacement, low-frequencies, high anti-load rigidity, flexible control mode, etc.

KRD70-10TA Hydraulic Vibration Shaker

- Max. force (kN): 100

- Max. displacement (p-p): 200mm

- Table size (mm): 1200×3500

- Vibration waveform: Sine

- Test condition: 3g, 200mm P-P, 1260kg Load

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KRD70-10TA Hydraulic Vibration Shaker


  • Xianyang, Shaanxi, China
  • CME Technology Co., Ltd.