#Industry News
COMECA and EDF Energy : Hinkley Point C contract is signed
On 29 November, COMECA announces it had signed a contract worth €130 million with EDF Energy for the Hinkley Point C (HPC) nuclear power station project in the UK, whose commissioning is scheduled for 2025. The documents were signed in Bristol by Stu
The Group will design, manufacture and deliver power distribution systems that will feed the entire Hinkley Point C site, the first nuclear power station to be built in the UK for a generation. Electrical equipment supplied will have to meet specific standards and detailed specifications, linked to the stringency of the nuclear sector: significant seismic events resistance up to 6g, short-circuit resistance up to 100,000A…
« This contract is one of the biggest contracts ever signed by COMECA, who will do everything in its power to make a success of this ambitious project, for the UK, for EDF Energy and for our Group» declared Gaël de la Rochère, CEO of COMECA.