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#Product Trends

Ball mill system for laboratory applications BMX- 400

Small scale grinding

Comex has developed a new dry grinding system employing a ball mill working with an air classifier in the closed circuit, for a laboratory use. The equipment is very compact, requires small amount of input material and the control system provides fully automatic test procedures with registration of almost all operating parameters in the PLC. The process capacity is typically in the range of few kg per hour, which provides a significant flexibility regarding a test work with small material portions, different settings and operating parameters. The system can also simulate conditions in large grinding mills by setting a required process temperature up to 150 deg. C. Finally, the particle size distribution can be measured at the outlet by an on-line analyser providing constant control of the produced particles. All parameters are registered and can be exported to XL or other editing program aftertesting.

Ball mill system for laboratory applications BMX - 400


  • Olav Ingstads vei, 1351 Rud, Norway
  • Comex AS