#Industry News
CoreTechnologie, two decades of software innovation
In October 2019, we are celebrating our 20th anniversary and as a global player in 3D CAD software, we look forward to our many innovations, commercial successes and a long history.
CoreTechnologie was founded in October 1999 by Dominique Arnault, engineer and Armin Brüning, industrial engineer. From the beginning, these two visionaries focused on innovation and, thanks to their long-term strategy, pioneered the highly technical field of CAD conversion software and the automation of digital engineering processes.
Becoming and remaining a global player
Today, CT employs more than 80 people worldwide, including about 50 software development experts. The Mömbris-based company is one of the leading publishers of 3D CAD converters and tools and has the most comprehensive range of solutions on the interoperability market. More than 500 international customers use our software daily for complex production in the automotive, aerospace, consumer goods and mechanical engineering sectors.
A technical success story has marked our journey: the technical performances of 3D_Evolution Simplifier created and integrated to generate lightweight CAD models and protect the technical know-how of manufacturers. Today, many CAD and PLM software vendors rely on CoreTechnologie for interface integration, also available in SDK (Software Development Kit) version.
We consider CoreTechnologie as a research and development entity in its own right. Strategically, we develop all our software in-house. Our philosophy is based on two pillars: independence and anticipation of market needs and requirements. 3D_Evolution is in continuous innovation: new modules and functions are constantly implemented and adapted to customer needs.
After CoreTechnologie was founded in Germany in 1999, we opened CoreTechnologie Nord in Hamburg in 2001 to cover the aerospace and mechanical engineering sectors in North Germany and conquer the Scandinavian market. In 2002, CoreTechnologie France was founded for software development. This is an important step, led by a highly qualified team that has developed a wide range of solutions to meet the needs of international industries. Also in France, CoreTechnologie Vente, a commercial entity, covers the market in France, Italy and Spain.
CoreTechnologie USA was founded in 2005. A major milestone in CoreTechnologie's success. This experienced team quickly established itself in the U.S. market and won the automotive leaders in the Detroit area and the aerospace industry on the west coast. In 2011, CoreTechnologie's Japanese division was founded in Tokyo, with growing success to date and major customers such as Kommatsu, Hitachi and Mitsubishi. CoreTechnologie London was launched in 2013 to support the many automotive, aerospace, engineering and motorsport companies directly on the ground in England. Due to the upcoming Brexit, CT London was transferred to Dublin in 2017. Our long-standing partners and resellers in Italy and India contribute significantly to the company's success.
In 2015, the construction of the new CT HQ marks an important milestone in our history. A building with futuristic architecture that combines design and technology with CO2 emissions as neutral as possible. In this way, the company shows its innovative strength and vision.
Future prospects
CoreTechnologie will continue to focus on innovation and new products dedicated to CAD interoperability and additive manufacturing, with the 3D printing market being one of our strong areas of development. Our customers have been loyal to us for nearly 20 years and every day new industrialists trust us. "Our technical teams will continue to develop innovative technology, our sales force will increase our global presence," said Armin Brüning, Managing Director, confident in CoreTechnologie's technical and business prospects.