#Industry News
New Shopsoftware Release out now
New Features just released
We inform you about the current release v13.03 and about our latest news.
We inform you about our new release 13.03. As a cloud customer, you will receive new features and updates in your CosmoShop.
The release will be rolled out on 19.11.2024 in the morning at 5-7 am.
Below you will find all information about the current update. This time, the focus was on improving performance and internal functions in order to optimise the platform for even more extensive individual programming in the cloud.
New features and improvements in the latest update
Customer groups: Prices with the value 0 are now possible.
Invoice journal: Improved filter options and new CSV export.
Extended customer search: Optimisation of the search function in the admin area.
Form management: New icons and revised labelling.
Value vouchers: Functional enhancements, including Bramble design option.
Shopping basket display: Option to display the number of items instead of the total quantity.
Voucher mail: The creation date can now be used as a placeholder.
Article info: Cosmetic adjustments for better clarity.
Price portals: New features for minimum stock levels and product group names.
Budget management v2: Budget buttons are hidden if no accounts are assigned.
Price portal export: Export of enquiry articles and articles with limited visibility.
Delivery address: Display of company name now possible.
CSS optimisation: Adjustments for the display of value vouchers.
Performance optimisation: Improved efficiency in template generation.
Budget management ‘classic’: Clearer behaviour with a budget of 0 euros.
Update plugin: New fixed price scale integrated.
Budget management: Improvements in interaction with the release function.
Bug fixes
Delivery addresses: Fixed problems with different delivery addresses and default settings.
Print cost calculator: Quantity setting for variant selection corrected.
Leadprint: Articles can now be ordered via the watch list.
Backend: Fixed language switching and request errors.
Setup cache: Initialisation problems and language text defaults fixed.
Admin Captcha: Now also works in site mode.
Sales statistics: Session restriction corrected.
Chrome compatibility: Session losses with Leadprint OCI in Chrome fixed.
Shopping basket: Order quantity adjusts automatically.
Category management: Saving categories without errors.
Login page: Design adjustments on the preview page.
moxiemanager and cdh plugin: Errors in vouchers and displays fixed.
Order mails: Data in the ‘From’ field is now correct.