#Product Trends
Creaform HandySCAN 3D Scanner Meets Boeing’s Requirements
Metrology-grade 3D laser scanner can now be used to inspect dents and blends on all models of Boeing commercial airplanes
Lévis, Québec, May 28, 2019—Creaform, the worldwide leader in portable 3D measurement solutions and non-destructive testing (NDT) solutions, announced today that its HandySCAN 3D™ metrology-grade 3D laser scanner can now be used for recording physical attributes of aircraft dents and blends on all models of Boeing commercial airplanes.
Boeing has released a service letter with guidance on the use of 3D scanners for measuring dents and blends on airplanes. The SmartDENT 3D™ solution and the flagship HandySCAN 3D scanner were used in the process of guiding Boeing’s quality requirements for the service letter.
“Creaform is proud to see leaders such as Boeing, turn to 3D scanning solutions for surface defect inspection. With SmartDENT 3D, our goal is to provide the most accurate damage assessment to our customers, so they can make informed and safe decisions, while getting their aircraft back flying with minimal down time,” said Jérôme Beaumont, Global NDT Business Manager at Creaform.
Overview of SmartDENT 3D benefits:
• Speed: 80 times faster than the pit gauge technique. It is the fastest and most reliable aircraft surface damage inspection tool available on the market.
• Metrology-grade measurements for aircraft maintenance: The scanner is accurate to 0.025 mm (0.0009 in.) and has a resolution of up to 0.100 mm (0.0039 in.) with high repeatability and traceable certificate.
• Intuitive pass/fail assessments: With its intuitive design and real-time software visualization, Creaform’s NDT solutions ensure short learning curves and minimal operator experience influence on the accuracy of results.
• Live visualization and portability: Weighting less than a kilo, the handheld scanner is the perfect tool for work in hangars or directly outdoors. Users can easily perform 3D surface inspection of any part of an aircraft on which they would use manual techniques—including on and under wings.
In addition to complying with Boeing’s service letter, Creaform HandySCAN 3D scanners are listed in the Airbus Technical Equipment Manual, which is referenced in its Structure Repair Manual. Quality engineers and MRO operators looking to improve their turnaround times and profitability can contact Creaform to find out more about its NDT solutions.