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#Product Trends

Master Climate Solutions Group joins European Rental Association

As a manufacturer of heavy-duty heating equipment dedicated to professionals, Master Climate Solutions is a perfect fit for the rental industry. In recent years the group has invested considerable effort into developing a product range tailored to the requirements of rental companies.

In joining ERA, Master Climate Solutions will benefit from significantly expanded opportunities to operate in the rental sector. As a member, it receives up-to-date information about the market and the newest trends, as well as the possibility to share ideas and experiences with experts from across Europe. MCS is now able to collaborate much closer with its customers and develop its offer with a better understanding of their needs.

ERA acts as the representative association in Europe for promoting the rental industry concept and facilitating its growth. Its membership is made of leading European companies in manufacturing, rental and services.

MCS will have the opportunity to present itself as a new member at the upcoming ERA Convention to be held this year in Rome on 3-4 June.


  • Master Climate Solutions
