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#Product Trends

Indicators with a High Degree of Connectivity

M12 Connectors / Removable wiring Terminals / Direct wire

M12 connectors that guarantee maximum connection security in addition of its high degree of tightness, being very useful in all types of industrial facilities.

Removable wiring terminals that facilitate the connection of the wires allowing the maneuver to be carried out

terminal clamp comfortably and then apply it to its connector.

Wire connection through M12X1.5 wire glands, being able to supply special lengths of wire if the customer requires it.

Tube entry (max. 17 mm) using the lifting accessory.

Our Indicators allow, through their high degree of connectivity, compatibility and adaptation to any type of installation, need or application.


  • Carrer de la Mercè, 19, 08911 Badalona, Barcelona, Spain