#Product Trends
Want to speed up cleaning your bakery? Try a Delfin industrial vacuum cleaner.
Each bakery, from the small family laboratory (pastry or bakery) to the biggest industrial plants for the production of bread, must be equipped with effective systems for the cleaning and sanitizing of the environment in order to ensure the high hygiene and quality standards as required by law.
In order to prevent food contamination it is necessary to equip the bakeries with appropriate tools for cleaning and disinfection, avoiding whenever possible the use of compressed air or harsh chemical cleaners.
Industrial vacuum cleaners are indispensable tools in a bakery. These greatly facilitate and speed up the cleaning of machinery and production lines, ensuring their efficiency. They can also be used for the cleaning of ovens from burnt flour and other production waste which might affect the quality of finished products.
In summary, the main applications of the vacuum cleaner are:
- General cleaning of the production area with a vacuum cleaner: due to the explosive nature of the dust present in a bakery (such as wheat flour or flour of other cereals) it is recommended to use an ATEX vacuum cleaner with certificate for Zone 22 or 21, in order to comply with the safety regulations of the sector.
- Cleaning of the laboratory with central vacuum system: When the surface to be cleaned increases the implementation of a centralized suction system becomes convenient. This system is ideal for increasing the efficiency of the maintenance program and to reduce the time required for cleaning, allowing the simultaneous use of the system by several operators.
- Cleaning the inside of the oven: to ensure the high quality of the finished product, the oven should always be cleaned, removing crumbs or burnt flour with regularity. To effectively clean the oven Delfin always recommends industrial vacuums equipped with Nomex filter, a filter resistant to high temperatures (up to 250 °) combined with a kit of accessories specifically designed for the cleaning of ovens.
Delfin is specialized in offering solutions aspiration for any application within the food industry and not, contact us at +39 011 8005500 or visit our website www.delfinvacuums.it for more information about our industrial vacuum cleaners for bakeries, aspirators ATEX or our products dedicated to the cleaning of industrial furnaces.