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#Product Trends

DEPRAG FEED MODULE (DFM) - Perfect screw feeding with top processing reliability

DEPRAG expands their wide range of intelligent manual work station solutions with the DFM

There is an increasing trend in the assembly industry: Fully automatic assembly is taking a backseat to intelligent manual work stations. Around 15 years ago companies were investing in automatic systems to increase processing reliability – the required zero error quota or permissible deviations in the lowest ppm range were at this time not possible in manual assembly processes due to the unpredictable human factor involved. What came out of the economic crisis of 2008/2009 was that when orders rapidly decreased, fully automatic systems would not have a 100 percent and therefore, economic workload utilisation. If the demand increases unexpectedly and exceeds the capacity by the possible 100 percent then again automatic production cannot adapt to the overcapacity. The company cannot react adequately to the recovered full order books.

Manual work stations are flexible and can be adapted to any order situation: during the lean times production can be reduced without problems with high system amortisation payments, in the good times there are no limits with the option of expansion by adding manual work stations. This flexibility has caused the upwards trend in manual assembly processes. The status of today''s technology is that the required high quality standards and production rates with intelligent manual work stations is just as guaranteed as with fully automatic assembly systems. With regard to processing reliability there is nothing better than an automatic assembly system “the high level of processing reliability however can only be attained if all components of a manual work station are coordinated with one another and certain core requirements have been considered”, emphasises Jürgen Hierold, Sales Manager at DEPRAG SCHULZ GMBH u. CO. The specialists for screwdriving technology have a comprehensive range of sophisticated standard modules with manual work stations which can be created to be reliable, economic and ergonomic. At the trade fair MOTEK 2014 the company from Amberg, Germany presents a new item from their programme of intelligent manual work stations, the DEPRAG Feed Module (DFM). This new screwdriving unit further increases processing reliability in the industrial assembly of serial products and optimises cycle times.


