#Product Trends
Anvis parent company completes change of name to Sumitomo Riko
Anvis parent company completes change of name to Sumitomo Riko
The third birth
Steinau, 1 October 2014. The Tokai Rubber Industries change of name
to Sumitomo Riko comes into force today. "The Sumitomo name is
synonymous worldwide with innovation and quality," said Mitsuru
Watanabe, Vice President of Sumitomo Riko. Tetsu Matsui, Senior
Managing Executive Officer Director, regards the change of name as
the "third birth of the company" since it was established in 1929: "The
takeover of Anvis and DyTech last year marks the start of a new era."
Sumitomo Riko is the global market leader in vibration control
components and anti-vibration systems and is keen to further
consolidate this position. The group aims to increase its turnover from
over €3.3 billion today to in excess of €7 billion by 2020. With 13
locations around the world and as a fully owned subsidiary of the
company, the Anvis Group is contributing to this growth and plans to
double current turnover to over €600 million. "As part of our global
company development strategy, we are making huge investments in
increasing capacities and modernising existing production sites," said
Olaf Hahn, CEO of the Anvis Group.
Short version: 1,182 characters (including spaces)
1929 marked the birth of Sumitomo Riko. At the time, the company was
known as Kamata Belt and initially specialised in the production of
conveyor belts. In 1937, the name was changed to Tokai Rubber
Industries. "This was the second birth of our company," said Tetsu
Matsui. "We developed rubber products for industrial use as well as
high pressure hoses."
Using its decades of experience in the processing and mixing of rubber,
the company entered the automotive market with its anti-vibration
systems in 1954. In the years that followed, it gradually built up its
expertise in the decoupling of metal parts to reduce noise and vibration.
The company also expanded into "ICT", "infrastructure", "living
environment", "medicine/care and health" as well as "environment and
"By taking over the Anvis Group and the Italian company DyTech fluid
technologies in 2013, we took a decisive strategic step which essentially
resulted in the third birth of the company," said Matsui. The change of
name to Sumitomo Riko now completes this process. "The combination
of words is made up of the globally known and trusted brand of the
principal shareholder "Sumitomo" Electric Industries Ltd. and the
Japanese word for physics, chemistry and technology "Riko", which
reflects the core areas of the service portfolio."
Olaf Hahn too regards the name change as "the green light for
expansion". For example, a new head office is currently being built in
Steinau. "We are also increasing our global workforce and production
capacities." The basis for this is the "Vision 2020" agreed on a groupwide
basis. The aim of this is to further consolidate the company''s
position as the world market leader for anti-vibration systems and
continuously optimise its production processes.
About the Anvis Group
Whether engine, gearbox and chassis mounts, or exhaust suspensions
and vibration dampers, Anvis components are installed in all parts of
automobiles. Its main focus is the development of anti-vibration
systems, i.e. systems to decouple vibrating parts in vehicles. The group
achieves a turnover of over €300 million at its 13 sites around the
world. Its customers mainly include leading automobile manufacturers
such as the VW Group, BMW, Mercedes, Renault-Nissan or General
Motors. The company also has expertise in other industries such as the
rail and aviation industry. In 2013, the Anvis Group was taken over in
full by Sumitomo Riko Company Limited (formerly Tokai Rubber
Industries). Tokai is the global market leader in the automotive
vibration technology sector.