#Product Trends
The Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Smart Motor
DSM (Dynamic Structures and Materials) is unveiling the SUM-40, the first smart motor to utilize ultrasonic technology. This product is set to release this upcoming summer but DSM is already taking inquiries. This product is unique because of its combination of high torque, precision, and simplicity.
A Smart Motor
DSM considers this product a smart motor because the electronics (an amplifier, a controller, and an encoder) are all fully integrated into a compact and ergonomic form factor. Among other advantages is a greatly reduced time-to-market. The SUM-40 is delivered ready to be used, requiring very little configuration. The product utilizes the common USB Type-C / R232 protocol for both communication and power. By requiring only one input, and an input that is universal, the implementation of the SUM-40 into a system is extremely simple.
Zero-Backlash and More
The core technology driving this motor features an inherent zero-backlash property. Combined with 130 microradian resolution, the SUM-40 is ideal for rotary positioning applications. The SUM-40 boasts very competitive capabilities with other motors of its size. The motor is 38 mm in diameter and 34.4 mm in length. It boasts a continuous output torque of 50 mN-m and a peak torque of 100 mN-m. This motor operates via ultrasonic piezo technology.
Applications include robotics, instrumentation, and medical. Some of the characteristics make the SUM-40 ideal for specific applications, such as an application requiring a non-magnetic motor. Unlike typical DC motors, the SUM-40 does not produce a magnetic field or use any magnetic components. This is very advantageous in certain medical applications where a magnetic field would disrupt test results.
Key Features
NEMA 17 frame
Zero backlash
Zero power hold
82 grams total mass
1800 deg/s
130 microradian resolution
100 mN-m max torque
About Dynamic Structures and Materials
DSM is based out of Franklin, TN, USA, and specialize in the development and application of micropositioning and nanopositioning devices. DSM works in all industries and enjoys strong customer and partner relationships with commercial, government agencies, national laboratories, and academic institutions. DSM welcomes the opportunity to evaluate your precision motion requirements. DSM enjoys a personal relationship with each of its customers and is willing to go great lengths to ensure customer satisfaction.