#Product Trends
D-FL 100 Volume flow measuring system
Suitability-tested and certified impact pressure system to measure velocity and volume flow of dry flue gas or process gas in pipes or ducts.
- In situ measurement, continuous measurement
- Allows calibration to measure the volume flow
- Cross duct, half duct and single point versions
- Also suitable for thick-walled stone / insulated ducts
- Probe is in contact with sample gas, backpurge as an option
- Automatic zero check as an option
- Universal operation unit D-ISC 100 as an option
- Temperature and pressure sensor as option
- Normalization of the flow measurements as an option
- Very low maintenance
Suitable for velocity and volume flow measurement
- at incinerators with dry fluegas in general
- at installations in accordance with IED 2010/75/EU/ 17th BImschV
- at garbage, hazardous waste and sewage sludge incinerators,
- at facilities for cement production
- at installations in accordance with 2001/80/EC LCPD / 13th BImschV / Clean Air Act
- at power stations with gas, oil, coal or co-firing
- at facilities pursuant to 27th BImschV
- for processes, Ex zones, high temperature or high pressure applications