#Industry News
Electric coil turner
For coil handling
We have recently developed an electric coil turner for food film reels weighing 2000 kg for one of our customers, a leader in the industry. The turner first receives the pallet with the coil by means of a forklift truck, then turns the coil 90° and deposits it on the motorised mobile prism with side shift; it can then be removed by the overhead crane. In other words, the turner is prepared to move pallets from the vertical to the horizontal axis (or vice versa).
The fundamental characteristics of this turner are: it is totally electric, avoiding hydraulic leaks, and easy to assemble and handle (it can be moved by forklift). This turner does not need an enclosure and has all the required safety elements (acoustic warning device, complete sensor system, emergency mushroom, etc.) and approved by an authorised body. In addition, the electrical connection can be made via a standard 220 V single-phase socket + earth connection. The control is integrated in the machine by means of a push-button box, which allows the operator to control the equipment semi-automatically or manually.