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#Industry News

Eastman Machine Helps Re-establish American Apparel Manufacturing

Grand Opening of America Knits

Swainsboro, GA: Eastman Machine Company is honored to work with America Knits in restoring apparel manufacturing in Swainsboro, Georgia for the first time in over twenty years. America Knits, a Georgia-based apparel manufacturing company, held its grand opening Thursday, November 14 after investing in an Eastman Talon 75x™ System to aid support in the company’s production of high quality, authentic, Made In America apparel.

The Eastman Talon 75x™ is engineered and manufactured in America to automatically pull stacked material piles from the spreading table to a modular, bristle-block conveyor bed for reciprocating knife cutting patterns. The Talon offers an industrial-strength solution for cutting up to 7.5cm (3 inches) of compressed material goods. Partnership with America Knits is just one example of how far Eastman Machine has come since its entrance into the apparel industry.

The Eastman Machine Company, a family business, was founded in 1888 after developing the first electric fabric cutting machine, the Blue Streak. The revolutionary machine put an end to tedious manual cutting room labor and remains a necessity among the apparel industry at a global scale. Almost five generations later, Eastman Machine continues to support American apparel manufacturers by customarily cultivating advanced technology.

The grand opening included special guests Swainsboro Mayor, Charles Schwabe, Ken Warnick, Swainsboro Emanuel County Chamber and Development Authority CEO and Lloyd Wood, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Textiles, Consumer Goods and Materials in the U.S. Department of Commerce.

“We are excited that Eastman is a part of such a milestone event,” said Robert L. Stevenson, Eastman Machine Company President and CEO. “Our continued focus on identifying and creating tools to enable modern manufacturing in the U.S. is what placed us in the position to assist in the revival of apparel production in America.” Eastman thanks Steve Hawkins, America Knits CEO, for the vision and confidence to once again establish Made in America as a viable brand.

For more information on America Knits, please visit

(Main Image by Devin Steele)


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