#Product Trends
Easy-Laser® E710 - the Total Alignment Solution
Easy-Laser® E710 gives you all the functions for shaft alignment plus the opportunity to check the machine base and any bearing play using the standard equipment! Programs for Horizontal machines, soft foot checks, Machine trains, vertical/flange mounted and cardan/offset mounted machines are included. Furthermore programs for Straightness, Flatness/Twist and Parallelism measurement are included. Using accessories you can also align sheaves/pulleys with digital precision and check vibration levels. No other system on the market can offer this flexibility! The keys to the system flexibility and wide range of use are the measuring units with 2-axis TruePSD detectors, and the dual laser beams. Together with the included measurement programs they make the Easy-Laser® E710 a Total Alignment Solution!
New firmware release now available for existing users, adding lots of new program features!