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#Industry News

How to choose your lasers for Raman spectroscopy

In Raman spectroscopy, laser excitation choice is one of the most important considerations.

The wavelength chosen will impact Raman intensity, spatial resolution, background fluorescence, acquisition time, and the potential cost of a Raman system. Lasers used in Raman spectroscopy range from the UV into the near-infrared and beyond. Different wavelength regions offer advantages and disadvantages with the final laser selection largely dictated by the sample being studied. Some samples can be analysed at any wavelength with no issues, for example toluene, but for many samples laser wavelength choice

is crucial for high quality Raman spectra e.g. polymers with high fluorescence backgrounds.

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  • 2 Bain Square, Livingston EH54 7DQ, UK
  • Edinburgh Instruments

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