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#Industry News

Eisele Pneumatics continues on growth course

The Waiblingen-based company profits from export strategy and new products

For Eisele Pneumatics GmbH & Co. KG of Waiblingen, the recently concluded financial year 2015/2016 was characterised by innovation, expansion and internationalisation, which allowed the company to continue its long success story.

The mid-sized specialist supplier of connection technology and solid metal push-in connectors reported an increase of about 20 percent in sales and orders received. After hiring twenty new employees, the company now has a total staff of about 150. The growth was due in particular to the sharp increase in the export volume to Asia and the USA. The export share of the total sales at Eisele is meanwhile about 35 percent. Especially the development of the US market is proceeding as planned and will contribute to further growth. The increase in innovation, which is evident in the development of product lines such as the multiple media connectors of the MULTILINE series, puts a strain on earnings due to the necessary resources and investments, but will generate further growth in the medium term. Recent new products have already been very well accepted by the market. Additional investments in the head office in Waiblingen are planned for the coming years to enable further development for a sustainable future.


  • Hermann-Hess-Straße 14, 71332 Waiblingen, Germany
  • Eisele Pneumatics GmbH & Co. KG