#Industry News
Self-regulating Heating Elements
PTC self-regulating heating elements
The self-regulating heating elements by Electricfor, a manufacturer of heating elements and heating equipment, are based on PTC heating elements.
PTCs are small ceramic stones with a self-limiting temperature. Such stones may have various forms. Ceramics, in turn, triggers an ohmic rise in the heating element that causes a decrease in the heating power and a self-limiting on temperature.
The ohmic rise produces a self-regulating heating element. The temperature is preset and varies the power to maintain it automatically.
Consequently, PTC self-regulating heating elements provide a greater security due to the limitation of temperature; they are energetically efficient, accept any voltage from 12V to 240V, or tolerate temperatures of ± 5 ° C, among other features. Their design is very compact as they can be customised. Furthermore, they have a long durability.
For further information on Electricfor's self-regulating heating elements, please contact its sales department.