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#Product Trends

Electrical heating jacket

Models BFVFV and BFVIBC are heating blankets and heating bands, for the control and maintenance of the temperature of drums and containers made by ECAS manufacturer.

The units are designed to control and regulate the temperature with a thermostat recommended according to the necessities of each operation.

An electric flexible resistance is placed in a blanket or band and made of fabric of glass fiber.

Blankets and bands are made for drums between 25 and 200 liters, and containers IBC of 1000 liters. The custom made blankets are also available.

The power can vary. For 200 L drums, power is 750 W, 1.000 W, 1.500 W; for 100 L drums, the power is 750 W, for 50 L drums is 300 W and for 25 L drums the power reaches 200 W.

The IBC Container of 1.000 L has power of 2.000 W .

Temperature is between 0 and 80 ºC .

They have Velcro types of fasteners and plastic buckles or clasps.


