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#Trade Shows & Events

Ligna Hannover 2023

Leading international trade fair for the forest industry and woodworking machinery

We will be at LIGNA.

As a solution partner on woodworking machinery and customized engineering, ELFAMAK will be exhibiting at LIGNA (Hannover), one of the biggest woodworking exhibitions in the world.

We will be looking forward to meeting you at Hall 11 Stand A47.

15-19 May Hannover/Germany

Elfamak Machine is Better

#elfamak #elfaşirketleri #cnc #cncrouter #door #wood #woodworking #framepress #doorpress #unloadingunit #conveyor #woodmachine #woodworkingmachine #cncroutercutting #cncmachining #cncwood #cncmodel #cncmakina #cncwoodworking #cncmachine #cncrouter #woodworkingmachines #woodmachinery #woodworkingmachinery #germany #almanya #lıgna #fuar #exhibition

Ligna Hannover 2023


  • Hanover, Germany
  • Elfa Group

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