#Industry News
EmCom joins Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance
Emcom Technology Inc.
EmCom, founded in 1975, has joined the Single Pair Ethernet System Alliance since 2021. The group welcomes all the technology companies to join them with rapidly promoting the new technology to adapt in every application.
Single Pair Ethernet, a megatrend technology, comes from Broadcom® when it released BroadR-Reach® standard allowing 100Mb/s Ethernet-based network protocol in automotive industry. After all, the protocol was built in 802.3 cg standard for IIoT industry. Many Ethernet related manufacturers are developing the products with this technology, such as connectors, test equipment and cabling systems.
Single Pair Ethernet works with a single pair of wires to make the best transmission efficiency for data and power at the same time. It reduces system cost, weight and wiring complexity when compared to traditional Ethernet RJ45 cabling.
Especially, the SPE (Single Pair Ethernet) with many specifications of 802.3cg, 802.3bu, etc. has defined many types of connectors for different environments, such as industrial and building areas. Also, the power can go through the data line named PoDL, which is classified with 15 levels up to 52W@55V for flexible selection to make devices workable.
Generally speaking, SPE applications, from Smart Grid, Traffic Control, Transportation, Sensor/Actuator Network, Machinery, Automation, Energy, Control and Monitoring Cameras, Smart Farming, Mobile Working Machines, to Robotic, are all possibly-adapted markets for Single Pair Ethernet.
The applications can also be divided into top level usages as below chart and the development status is from Automotive Industry, Process Industry, Railway and Transportation, Robotic, Factory Automation, and Building Automation. It seems Process Industry such as Oil Industry with the pipeline will go on this year for the major application. Next one will be Railway and Transportation and then till last of Building Automation. No matter how applications develop in the future, they will need SPE cabling.