#Product Trends
Wastewater technology "Made in Germany" for cream cheese production in Russia
The expanded treatment plant must comply with the strict Russian limit values for the discharge of the treated wastewater. The COD value (chemical oxygen demand) must be safely below 30 mg/l. As a result, the company opted for wastewater technology "Made in Germany" by Envirochemie.
The wastewater is cleaned in the expanded biological treatment plant, using the multi-step aerobic Biomar OSB - OFB process. The dairy has already gained positive experience with the Envirochemie wastewater technology at other Russian sites.
In addition, a new, larger secondary clarifier was installed prior to the direct discharge. The use of a high-performance filter apparatus (rotating fabric filter) as an additional cleaning step ensures that the wastewater is as free from particles as possible. An activated carbon adsorption unit guarantees the very low COD outflow values.
Special emphasis was placed on maximum cleaning performance because there is no significant receiving water course in the vicinity of the dairy. This provides the dairy group with an overall safeguard of the production location.
The Biomar OSB - OFB process works according to state-of-the-art technology. Energy-efficient plant components also bring economical benefits to wastewater treatment. The high degree of automation of the Biomar system reduces personnel costs during operation. Essentially, only inspections and analyses have to be carried out.